Anti-Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week

At St. Patrick we all share a responsibility in working together to ensure that all students feel welcome and safe. This week is Bullying Awareness Week (November 19 – 23, 2018), and we will be focusing on how to recognize bullying, how to refuse to be bullied, how to report bullying, as well as other related information.

Bullying happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose. Bullying is deliberate, repeated over time and a situation in which one person has more power than the other. Bullying can be done with words, with technology such as cell phones or computers and it can also be physical.

Throughout the week, students will be engaged in various activities which promote a positive self-esteem, listen to morning announcements and music which promote positive messages and critical thinking, attend a show presented by Coby the Magician, and recite a Bullying Oath daily. Together, we hope to make St. Patrick a safe and caring environment for all.