Terry Fox Walk

St. Patrick School is pleased to once again be participating in the Annual Terry Fox Walk on Friday, September 20, 2024. The rain date for this event is on Monday, September 23rd. Our walk will take place around the school community between 10:45 am – 11:45 am.  Teachers and staff will be on hand to supervise and assist students. Students are encouraged to wear appropriate footwear and bring a water canteen.  

We are very proud to be associated with the Terry Fox Foundation. Terry Fox was such an inspiration of courage and strength, that we would like to help raise money for the foundation. All monies raised through our participation will be forwarded to The Terry Fox Foundation to further the cause of cancer research. 

Donations can be made online this year directly to our school page: 

https://schools.terryfox.ca/StPatrickCESSchomberg. Last year we surpassed our goal of $1200 by raising $1350. This year our donation goal will be $1350!

Students are encouraged to wear a RED shirt on Friday, September 20th, in honour of Terry Fox being an inspirational Canadian. This year the message and motto is –  “No Matter What!”