Category: General

Safety Week – Sept. 25 to 29

The week September 25 – 29, 2023 has been designated as “Safety Awareness Week” for the YCDSB.  During this week, we will be rehearsing a variety of emergency school procedures to acquaint students and staff with the precautionary steps to take in the event of such things as a warning of severe weather, or an intruder. In addition, throughout the year we will hold practice ... Continue reading "Safety Week – Sept. 25 to 29"

Orange Shirt Day

On September 29, 2023, students and staff from across the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) will commemorate Orange Shirt Day.  Staff and students are encouraged to wear orange to acknowledge the impact of the residential school system, raise awareness and honour Indigenous communities, to promote reconciliation.

Rowan’s Law

The last Wednesday in September is Rowan’s Law Day – a day to engage the general public, students, staff, coaches, athletes, as well as parents/guardians in activities that increase awareness about concussions and to share Rowan Stringer’s story.

Students will be learning about Concussion awareness and safety in their classes this week.  Students may wear a purple shirt on Wednesday, September 27.  ... Continue reading "Rowan’s Law"