Category: General

Communion and Confirmation PARENT MEETINGS

Parent Information Meetings for the 2024 Sacraments will be taking place at St. Mary’s Mission Church on the following dates: Sacrament of Confirmation: Wed. September 20 – 7 PM Sacrament of First Holy Communion: Wed. Sept. 27 – 7 PM More information will be shared through pulpit announcements, the parish bulletin, our websites, Facebook page: and our Catholic ... Continue reading "Communion and Confirmation PARENT MEETINGS"

First Communion and Confirmation Registration

Registration for the Sacraments will begin on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. Registration Forms can be found on the Parish websites at: or   Completed forms can be dropped off at the parish office located at St. Mary’s Mission Church, Nobleton during regular office hours (Monday to Thursday – 9 AM to 4:30 PM – Closed for lunch 12 PM ... Continue reading "First Communion and Confirmation Registration"

Curriculum Night / Corn Roast

We hope you will join us for our Curriculum Night Open House and Corn Roast on Thursday, September 21st from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. This is a perfect opportunity to meet your child’s teachers, visit the classrooms and enjoy a complimentary corn on the cob prepared by our CSC.

SPS September Newsletter

The September Newsletter has been posted! Please take the time to read through it as it contains important information highlighting some important events.   Click on this link to view the newsletter.  Thank you for your continued support.