Category: General

SPS 2023-2024 Allergy Plan

At St. Patrick’s, we are very proud of our proactive approach to making our school a safe environment for students with life-threatening food and/or insect bites allergies.

We, therefore, request that all parents avoid packing lunches and snacks for their children, that “contain” or “may contain” nuts or nut products. These items present a very serious risk to the health and safety of ... Continue reading "SPS 2023-2024 Allergy Plan"

Welcome Back!!

Welcome to a new school year!  We are excited to welcome all students to school on Tuesday, September 5th.  On Friday, September 1st a communication was sent, via email, to all parents explaining first-day procedures.  Please visit the following link to read the communication.

2023-2024 School Bus Information

Bus students/families are invited to visit the  link at for pertinent bus information such as route numbers and times. Families are encouraged to check the website regularly for updates.

The following is a list of responsibilities for parents. The information will be listed on our website as a guide to ensure students safe travel to and from school.  Parents ... Continue reading "2023-2024 School Bus Information"

Ordering Fun Lunches

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Just a reminder that online ordering for hot lunches is now open and will be open until June 2023.

Please register on the Healthy Hunger website www.healthy in order to pre-arrange fun lunches for your children on-line.


Plasticine Art!

Mrs. Diaz’s grade 3 students created beautiful plasticine art in the style of Canadian author and illustrator Barbara Reid. Amazing work grade 3s, so proud of you!