Category: General

Shrove Tuesday

On Tuesday, February 25th, Shrove Tuesday, students and staff of St. Patrick C.E.S. will be provided with a pancake lunch. Thank you to the Catholic Women’s League and Just Catering For Kids for their generous contribution to pay for the expense. As well, thank you to the Catholic School Council for coordinating the distribution of pancakes and syrup to the students and ... Continue reading "Shrove Tuesday"

Advent Mass

On Tuesday, December 17, 2019 at 1:30 pm, we will be celebrating our Advent Mass, led by Fr. Ignacio, in the school gymnasium. We wish to invite all parents, guardians and grandparents to join us as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Christmas Concerts

On Wednesday, December 18, 2019 from 6:00 to 8:00, we will be hosting 2 Christmas Concerts. The first concert will begin at 6:00 pm sharp and the second at approximately 7:15 pm. To gain access to the concerts, you will be required to present your tickets for each concert. For those parents attending the second concert, please try to arrive no earlier than 7:00 pm ... Continue reading "Christmas Concerts"

Volunteer Orientation

Our Volunteer Orientation has been rescheduled for Monday, November 18th from 10:00 – 10:30 am, in the school library. This meeting is intended for all those currently volunteering their time and those interested in volunteering to assist with various school activities throughout the year. Volunteers required to attend are those looking to assist on a regular basis to help improve our ... Continue reading "Volunteer Orientation"

Progress Reports

Students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 will receive a Progress Report on Tuesday, November 12th. The Progress report will focus on the student’s development of the six categories of learning skills and work habits (responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation), as well as general progress towards the achievement of the curriculum.

All parents have been invited to participate in Parent-Teacher interviews ... Continue reading "Progress Reports"

Curriculum Night

On Thursday, September 19th, from 6:30 – 7:30 pm, we will be hosting our Curriculum Night. On this evening you will have an opportunity to meet with your child(ren)’s teacher, visit the classroom and learn about the curriculum and expectations. The evening will be an open house format and we kindly ask that all children be directly supervised by their parents. As well, the CSC ... Continue reading "Curriculum Night"