Category: General

Welcome Back!

Another summer has passed and we hope that everyone enjoyed their time with family and friends. We welcome everyone back to school, particularly our new families to the school, and look forward to a year filled with lots of learning and fun.  Classes begin on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019 at 9:05 am, with supervision beginning at 8:50 am.  Upon arrival, students (Gr. 1- 8) will ... Continue reading "Welcome Back!"

Easter Mass

On Tuesday, April 30th at 10:00 am, Fr. Ignacio will be at the school to celebrate our Easter mass with staff and students. We cordially we invite parents and guardians to join us in the celebration of Christ’s resurrection.



The week of Monday, April 8th to Friday, April 12th is designated as ShareLife Week at the York Catholic District School Board. The primary focus of ShareLife is to support agencies that carry out the mission work of the Church. Their efforts to serve the marginalized in our communities and around the world are made possible thanks to the generosity of donors. By supporting ShareLife, ... Continue reading "ShareLife"

Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday, March 6th, Fr. Pinedo will be at the school for our Ash Wednesday  liturgy to begin our Lenten season, as well as distribute ashes to staff and students. The Liturgy will begin at 10:00 am in the school gym and parents are welcome to attend.

St. Patrick’s Carnaval D’Hiver

Carnaval d’hiver 2019 Newsletter

During the Week of February 11th to 15th, students at St. Patrick will be celebrating Carnaval D’Hiver with various activities and themed days. This year, students will have an opportunity to participate in a popular Carnaval tradition in making frosted maple taffy on snow. This is just one activity that students can look forward to ... Continue reading "St. Patrick’s Carnaval D’Hiver"

St. Patrick Christmas Concerts

On Wednesday, December 19th, we will be hosting our Christmas Concerts from 6:00 – 6:45 pm and 7:15 – 8:00 pm. Classes have been split into two groups to accommodate our gym’s seating capacity and a letter will be sent home shortly indicating the time of the class performances. Tickets will be issued, 2 per family (as per last year), for each performance and the ... Continue reading "St. Patrick Christmas Concerts"