Category: General

Welcome Back!

To the Parents and Students of St. Patrick CES,

Welcome back to another school year!  We hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing summer.  The first day of school went over well and students are now settled into their classes.  We wish to remind parents to please make appropriate use of the student drop off zone at the side of the school. Please ... Continue reading "Welcome Back!"

Support for Humboldt

As a show of love and support for the victims of the Humboldt Broncos bus accident, staff and students at St. Patrick will be wearing their hockey jerseys on Thursday, April 12th. The wearing of the jersey is a simple gesture to let the victims and their families know they are not alone and that our community is behind them.

Celebrating 50 Years of Learning at St. Patrick C.E.S.

You are invited to join us on Monday, May 14, 2018,  to celebrate the 50th anniversary of St. Patrick C.E.S. The celebration will begin at 1:45 pm with Mass, celebrated by Bishop Kirkpatrick in the school gym. Following the Mass, there will be speeches from our dignitaries, students performances and an Open House until 5:00 pm. Parents and alumni will have the opportunity to walk ... Continue reading "Celebrating 50 Years of Learning at St. Patrick C.E.S."


The week of Monday, April 3rd to Friday, April 9th is designated as ShareLife Week at the York Catholic District School Board. The primary focus of ShareLife is to support agencies that carry out the mission work of the Church. Their efforts to serve the marginalized in our communities and around the world are made possible thanks to the generosity of donors. By supporting ShareLife, ... Continue reading "ShareLife"