Category: General

Ballroom Dance Presentation (Junior Students)

On Friday, March 23rd from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm,  St. Patrick’s Junior students will participate in a Ballroom Dance Performance in the school gym. Students will be performing various forms of ballroom dance learned throughout their lessons. Parents of the students are invited to attend and are asked to inform their child’s classroom teacher if attending. We look forward to another great performance from ... Continue reading "Ballroom Dance Presentation (Junior Students)"

Confessions Day at St.Patrick

On Tuesday, March 6th,  from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm, Fr. Paul  will be at the school to hear staff and student Confessions, in preparation for Easter. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is not only an opportunity to cleanse ourselves of sin, it also presents an opportunity to bring about ongoing renewal and conversion. The Sacrament of Reconciliation allows for forgiveness, as well as healing and ... Continue reading "Confessions Day at St.Patrick"

St. Patrick C.E.S. Pictures Needed

The school staff and CSC are reaching out to the St. Patrick community in an effort to collect pictures from years gone by, in preparation for our school’s up-coming  50th  Anniversary. We are currently looking for pictures spanning the first year the school opened (1968) to 2016. We are hoping to collect pictures of the graduating Grade 8 classes, staff and administrators, the school building ... Continue reading "St. Patrick C.E.S. Pictures Needed"

Carnaval at St. Patrick

Joyeux Carnaval! St. Patrick’s “Carnaval d’hiver” will be taking place on Tuesday, February 20th to Friday, February 23rd. Various theme days and events throughout the week will take place. This year we will also have an outdoor Play Day integrating a Winter Olympics theme (weather permitting). We look forward to having our students participate in this cultural and educational week! Attached is a schedule of ... Continue reading "Carnaval at St. Patrick"

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Tuesday), the day before Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of Lent. Shrove Tuesday is a reminder that as Christians we are entering a season of penance and reflection in preparation for the coming of Christ and represents the last day to celebrate with foods which are typically given up during Lent. On Tuesday, February 13th, the students at St. Patrick school will ... Continue reading "Shrove Tuesday"

Ballroom Dance Performance

On Friday, February 16th from 9:30 am – 10:30 am,  St. Patrick’s primary students will participate in a Ballroom Dance Performance in the school gym. Students in Kindergarten to Grade 2 will be performing the Merengue and Tango, while the Grade 3’s will be performing the Merengue and Fox Trot. Due to limited space, parents of these students are asked to complete the form that ... Continue reading "Ballroom Dance Performance"