Weekly Update: April 19, 2024
Please see the following link for the April 19, 2024 Weekly Memo. I appreciate your time in reviewing the information and reminders in it. Thank you for your continued support.
Please see the following link for the April 19, 2024 Weekly Memo. I appreciate your time in reviewing the information and reminders in it. Thank you for your continued support.
Kindly take a moment to read the April 5th Weekly Update as it contains some new information and reminders.
School-Day can be accessed at school-day.com Mobile users can find it at school-day.app.
School-day Q+AThe York Catholic District School Board understands that it can be difficult for parents to stay on top of all the activities that happen at school.
That is why we are implementing a new online payment and communications tool in our schools. This tool, called “School-Day”, will be available at your school beginning April 2, 2024.
Benefits ... Continue reading "School Day is Coming!"
York Catholic District School Board announced that to ensure student safety and minimize loss of instructional time due to the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, all schools will be dismissing students early. As such, St. Patrick will dismiss at 12:35 pm. Students WILL be eating lunch at school on this day. On April 8, 2024, all students ... Continue reading "April 8 Early Dismissal"
April is Autism Awareness month and April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day. On April 2nd we ask that the students wear bold, bright colours to celebrate the spectrum. On the April 26th Civvies Day we ask students to bring in a loonie or toonie and all proceeds will go to Autism Ontario.