Category: General

Kick Start Jr. (Grade 6 & 7) and Kick Start (Grade 8s)

Kick Start Junior  is a skill building program for current grade 6 & 7 running July 4th-27th from 8:45am-2:45 pm.  The program focuses on building literacy, numeracy, student well-being, personal skills, 21st century global competencies, through technology enabled learning including coding and robotics. Click HERE

Kick Start Summer Program is another skill building program ... Continue reading "Kick Start Jr. (Grade 6 & 7) and Kick Start (Grade 8s)"

Lenten Food Drive

From March 22 to April 4th, St. Patrick CES is participating in a Lenten Food Drive for the King Township Food Bank. The food bank has requested that no glass, cereal, spaghetti/pasta, cookies, or crackers be donated at this time.  There is a need for Kraft Dinner, canned fruits/vegetables, tuna, and granola bars.  Your donations are greatly appreciated to assist people in need of our ... Continue reading "Lenten Food Drive"

Pop-up Covid Testing site at St. Patrick CES, November 12

St. Patrick CES continues to work with York Region Public Health, Ontario Health and the York Catholic District School Board to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 at our school. To support this work and the safe return to school, our school will be hosting a pop-up COVID-19 Testing Clinic for our school community. Families and staff from Schomberg PS will also be invited to help ... Continue reading "Pop-up Covid Testing site at St. Patrick CES, November 12"

Standardized Dress Code

St. Patrick is a Standardized Dress Code School.   We appreciate your support in encouraging your child(ren) to be in full dress code while at school.  The SDC is a code and not a uniform.  It is a choice of designated colours and styles that can be purchased at any cost.  Please note, the SDC does not apply to footwear, outerwear and gym apparel.  The components ... Continue reading "Standardized Dress Code"